Category Archives: News
Robert Neborsky, M.D.’s Expert Insights on Alzheimer’s Disease
Grab a cup of coffee, or better yet oolong tea for this interesting conversation between [...]
Sept. 29, 2021 Love Where You Work Healthcare Job Fair
The economy is open; now is the time to attend our job fair on 9/29, [...]
Cerna Helps to Raise $200k for Cerna Care Management Recipients
Sometimes, families of Cerna Care Management recipients want to move their ill, injured or dying [...]
Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
The HCA is working with federal, state, and local partners including the Centers for Disease [...]
Cerna Homecare Goes the Extra Mile
Recently, Cerna had a client with moderate to advanced Alzheimer’s. Her family in Seattle wished [...]
Doing More for Gisela Because it is Right
When UCLA Santa Monica asks for help with a complex case, you act. Cerna Homecare’s [...]