Message from Nick Payzant, Founder & CEO,
As we work to contain COVID-19, Cerna is releasing the following information for Seniors, Caregivers, Employees and Families of Seniors, we are recommending that all visitation to your loved one be limited to absolutely necessary only. Healthcare professionals are advising that although it may be unlikely you are a carrier, to act as though you are carrying the virus when in the proximity of an elderly (or immune compromised) person. If visitation is necessary, please take the following precautions:
1 – Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water immediately when entering the residence.
2 – Limit proximity to your loved one to 6 feet.
3 – Cover your mouth with a mask, scarf, high neck shirt or sweater, bandana or garment when communicating. There is a lot of disinformation about masks circulating online, but masks are an effective barrier for stopping respiratory droplets from an infected person coming into contact with a vulnerable senior or immune compromised person. Wearing a mask is not effective in stopping exposure to the virus from someone who has it. The CDC is providing information on fabric masks and how to make them at this link: CDC Link regarding Fabric Masks
If a senior you know is experiencing any of the following:
- They have come in contact with someone that may have COVID-19 (Corona Virus)
- Fever
- Cough
- Shortness of breath
- Persistent pain or pressure in the chest
- New confusion or inability to arouse
- Bluish lips or face
Call their doctor or 911 before rushing to the hospital. Hospitals are not always a good place to be if they are not infected. Doctors are prepared to give appropriate instructions based on the situation.