Now that things have settled down, I wanted to be sure to take a few minutes to write and thank you for your amazing help during our frantic Hopcraft family time. We are all aware you gave special attention to Rick’s well-being due to your mutual relationship with Dr. Lindburgh. That relationship notwithstanding, in our eyes you went above and beyond on Rick’s behalf. Your availability to him over his last two weeks was endless – and, therefore, your availability to US, his siblings, was the same. Pat and I especially, being so far removed, were extremely grateful. We know how lucky Rick was to have Linda as one of his best friends – over the last two decades, she has been so helpful. She is indeed a rare keepsake. So, thank you for working so closely with her on his behalf as well. Texting is a great tool – but it can certainly be overwhelming. Your hanging in there throughout our minute-by-minute updates on Rick are probably unprecedented….and I figure you are glad they are over. Hopefully your company was able to offer Oliver a new opportunity; I imagine this was difficult for him. Thank you, Cerna, for all you did to provide us with a great sense of oversight on Rick’s behalf. We all wish things had turned out differently for him, and we are all glad for him he is out of the horrible suffering he endured for his last two months. Certainly wish Cerna had an offshoot in Florida! If you have any referrals, please share them.”